
By Mr. Fitch

Introduction to Computer Concepts &Terms

1. What does a motherboard do?

    Holds all the pieces for running the computer.

    Talks to the fatherboard.

    Tells boring stories.

    Goes surfing.

2. What does 'clock speed' refer to?

    How fast the chip (CPU) is at processing the data.

    How many watches you own.

    The time you get up in the morning.

    The number of processors your computer has.

3. What does CPU stand for?

    Central Processing Unit. (refers to the processor or logic chip)

    Computer Processing Unit

    Computer Production Unit

    Calculating Power Up-counter

4. What does RAM stand for?

    Random Access Memory (measured in Mb)

    Radical Action Megabytes

    Really Active Machine

    Red Azure Mauve

5. What does the hard drive do?

    Provides storage for files & programs when the machine is on & off.

    Makes the roads slippery. Ie. Snow

    Controls your mouse.

    Gives orders to the easy drive.

6. What does 'OS' stand for?

    Only students.

    Operating Standards.

    Operating System.

    Overly Sophisticated.

7. What does the Operating System do?

    Performs surgeries for doctors.

    Plays music files.

    Adjusts the volume of your speakers.

    Operates the computer. The MAIN program that allows other programs to run.

8. What does CD-ROM stand for?

    Cool Dudes-Read Only Magazines

    Compact Disc-Rapid Overdrive Machine

    Contracted Disc-Rapid Overpass Memory

    Compact Disc-Read Only Memory

9. What does the acronym DVD stand for?

    Digital Video Disc/Digital Versatile Disc.

    Downloadable Video Disc.

    Durable Video Disc.

    Digital Video Document.

10. What function does the computer's video card perform?

    Rents movies for lazy owners.

    Lets you play card games on your computer.

    For graphic display such as movies & graphics in games.

    Controls the sound card that's attached to the motherboard.

11. What function does the sound card perform?

    Controls the video card that's attached to the motherboard.

    For playing sound to the speakers in the case, sends sound to speakers.

    To help you find your library card.

    Connects your RAM to your motherboard.

12. What is a keyboard?

    Two rocks that you bang together.

    A tool for inputting data by typing letters & numbers. Made of plastic.

    A piece of wood that helps find your house keys.

    All the above.

13. What is the purpose of the mouse?

    To tease the cat.

    To finish the cheese.

    For clicking on objects/text & moving the cursor on the screen to help input/find data.

    None of the above.

14. What function does the computer case perform?

    Makes a good paper weight.

    To magnetically shield the hard drive to prevent damage to data.

    To conduct electricity to the motherboard within.

    For housing components.

15. What is a computer monitor?

    A program that protects your data from hackers and computer viruses.

    A guard that protects your network.

    A program that runs your OS (Operating System).

    A peripheral that displays graphics; also called the screen.

16. What does it mean to boot or reboot your computer?

    To start (restart) the computer & get the operating system running.

    To get mad at it and kick it.

    To throw out the old machine and go shopping.

    To go onto the internet.

17. What is a BYTE?

    Something you do when you're hungry.

    A unit of measurement to measure the clock speed of your CPU?

    Unit of computer memory/data storage capacity (8 bits)

    None of the above.

18. What does it mean to download?

    To receive data from another computer.

    The opposite of 'to upload'.

    To take information off the internet onto your computer.

    All the above.

19. What type of file is a GIF or JPG file?

    A sound file used for storing music files.

    A nail file.

    A file type or format that shows your computer has a virus.

    File type - a graphics file format (type of computer picture).

20. What does the acronym 'http' stand for?

    Holographic Tried Tool Process.

    Happy Time To Party.

    Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

    Heavy Time Transfer Protocol.

21. What is a gigabyte?

    One billion bits.

    One million bytes.

    One billion bytes

    Less than a megabyte.

22. What does the acronym 'WWW' stand for?

    Wide World Web

    Web World Wide

    World Wide Web

    World Web Wide

23. An internet browser is what?

    Another name for a homepage.

    A program (application) that lets you surf the Internet.

    Someone who is 'just looking', not wanting to buy.

    Another name for a search engine.

24. If you are told to hand in a hard copy, what does this mean?

    To hand in the secondary hard drive.

    You should give the file in on disc

    A printed copy from a computer, not a soft (digital) copy but a ...

    You must email the file or document in.

25. A homepage refers to what?

    The wallpaper of the computer

    The opening or main page of a website.

    A computer's desktop.

    The pages that internet browsers have saved as 'Favourite' or often visited sites.

26. PC is the acronym that we use for what term?

    Powerful Computer

    Pulsar Calculating

    Personal Computer

    Ping Count

27. How would you define a search engine?

    A useful program that alphabetizes file names.

    A website that searches its database & finds websites when given a keyword to look up.

    A motor for your car that you keep losing track of.

    Another name for a homepage.

28. Is a search engine also a website?





29. Choose which term HTML stands for

    Happy Teachers Mark Loosely.

    Hyper Text Modified Lingo.

    Hyper Text Markup Language.

    None of the above.

30. In computer terms what does a server do?

    Provides nutritious meals to weary computer programmers.

    It's the opposite of a computer network.

    It's a computer on the Net that hosts websites & transfers data to 'client' computers.

    Another name for a computer known as the 'client' on a network of computers.

31. Pick which term best describes a website.

    A collection of webpages. Ie. Mr. Fitch's World.

    Also known as file sharing program.

    A word processor. Ie. Microsoft Word.

    A spreadsheet program. Ie. Microsoft Excel.

32. To upload data means to do what?

    Throw it out the window in disgust and frustration.

    Do the same as a download.

    Get data off a CD from your CD or DVD drive.

    Send data/information to a remote computer (up to the Net).

33. Catching a cold is no fun. Pick which best describes a computer virus.

    Having your computer freeze or crash due to running out of memory.

    An evil program that alters, damages, deletes computer data and programs.

    All of the above.

    None of the above.

34. It is important to know what an URL is. URL stands for…

    Uniform Resource Locator

    Universal Resource Locator

    Unilateral Random Link

    Uninformed Reckless Leader

35. A person that wants to ________ uses a word processor.

    type documents and letters

    buy a dictionary

    avoid homework

    design websites

36. A _____________ program is used to create tables, charts, graphs & to perform calculations using formulas and data that you input.

    Word processor.

    Virus Checker.



37. Some people have no idea what a printer does, but you know that it …..

    Is a peripheral device that prints text or graphics on paper.

    Refers to someone who can not yet write in cursive writing.

    Scares cats and drive dogs bonkers.

    Is another name for a scanner.

38. If you are told to save it on your desktop, you are doing what?

    Sending the file to a disk.

    Downloading the data to save it.

    Uploading the data to save it.

    Saving it on the main screen of the computer.

39. You must be really smart by now. What is a keyword?

    Your login name.

    Your password.

    The word(s) that you use to find information & sites from search engines.

    A short form for a phrase used on the Net. Ie. LOL (laughing out loud)

40. In fancy, sophisticated computing terms an 'open field' refers to…

    Not knowing what to do.

    Quarantining & removing a virus from your computer.

    The blank areas of an online form where you put information.

    Go ask Farmer Brown.

41. On the internet what is a link?

    A picture or address to click on at a website to send you to another site.

    The top of a webpage.

    The bottom of a webpage.

    The speed of your internet connection.

42. A computer monitor is an example of….



    A non-peripheral.

    None of the above.

43. A 'mouse over' is a computing term that refers to what action.

    Finding a virus on your computer like a cat would pursue a mouse.

    Double clicking with your mouse.

    Single clicking with your mouse.

    Moving your cursor over an image usually on a webpage causing the image to change.

44. Choose the answer which most accurately describes what a 'cursor' is.

    Someone who choose wrong words when they're angry.

    The opposite of a 'rosruc'.

    A touch screen.

    Flashing indicator; moves around your screen with input from the mouse, trackball or touchpad.

45. The word silicon often is referred to when people discuss computers. What is it?

    A new peripheral that you can hook up to your computer.

    A thin, light material used to make CPU's (microprocessors).

    A new type of plastic used to make the cases for computers and their parts.

    The surname of the inventor of the internet.

46. Binary is a computer term that refers to…

    A numbering scheme that computers use. Values are either 0 or 1.

    The measurement of your processor's speed.

    The resolution of your monitor.

    The effectiveness of your computer's Internet hook up.

47. Gigahertz are used to measure what in a computer?

    How heavy the computer weighs.

    It measures the number of pixels of a monitor or computer screen.

    It is used as a unit of measurement for the clock speed of a microprocessor.

    It measures the amount of storage a computer has.

48. What country did the internet originate from?





49. What is a pixel?

    It's slang for someone who uses the Net a lot.

    It's an application (program) that helps protect computers from hackers.

    It's a PICture ELement.

    It's a creature that lives in your computer to keep it company when you're watching TV.

50. Resolution is something that salespeople often talk about when selling monitors. What does 'resolution' refer to?

    The number of pixels contained on a computer monitor (screen).

    The number of people who will use the computer in a year.

    The size of the pixels contained on a computer screen.

    The number of monitors (screens) hooked up to a computer.