Computing Tips

Computers & the Net provide an excellent opportunity to improve student achievement. They can be used to improve reading, writing, to increase vocabulary, to do research for projects, practice math facts & much more.

Websites often change location and content, therefore parental supervision is essential. It is vital that you often visit sites that your children use to help determine together if they are helpful & appropriate for your child.

Many of the parenting rules that apply to the real world apply online. Daily, millions of people go onto the Web to exchange mail, surf or just socialize. In order to provide a safe, enjoyable online experience for your child, parental supervision & clearly stated rules are crucial.

Spend time with your children, have them show you what they're doing & which files they use. Putting your computer in a well used area of your home makes it easy to casually observe what your child is accessing online. Some families insist that their Browser's History not be deleted so parents can occasionally check through them to help their children make appropriate choices when visiting websites. Feel free to set up whatever routines & rules that work for your family. Then enjoy the experience, because there's a World Wide Web of information out there with things to see & do in Cyberspace!

It's important to discuss your family rules for using the computer. Here are some suggestions for establishing the rules.

  1. What time of day can your child use the computer?
  2. How long can your child use the computer?
  3. Is the computer used for homework? For games?
  4. May your child access the internet with or without a parent being present?
  5. What kinds of sites can your child access?
  6. Who is your child allowed to e-mail?
  7. Is your child allowed to access chatrooms, Facebook or Skype?
  8. What does your child do if they come across information / sites that makes them feel uncomfortable?
  9. What happens if your child does not follow the family rules?