Ever since I was a young child, I had heard stories about a legendary Bigfoot. But I never believed them until one day…

I was camping in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta. I hired a tour leader to show me the trails of the area since I enjoy hiking. My best friend Mike came with me since he always liked a good adventure. The wise, old guide led us to a beautiful, mountain lake where the fishing was supposed to be good. The scenery was breathtaking. We relaxed by the sandy shore and said good-bye to him since he had to return to his wife and three young children. Shortly after the gentleman left though, the weather had quickly changed for the worst.

Dark, storm clouds formed overhead. It began to rain just as we finished setting up our tent. That’s when things began to happen. I am a heavy sleeper. Not much disturbs me when I am sleeping.

The next morning Mike and I noticed that some things at the camp had been moved around during the night. It had seemed as if a bear had visited the camp looking for food. But a bear would have woken us up. We began to get nervous, maybe the childhood stories that we were told years ago were not make believe after all.

During the day Mike and I joked about the possibility of there actually being a Bigfoot living in the dense forest surrounding our camp. We went to bed early that night and it took us a while to fall asleep despite the quiet and peaceful surroundings of the calm lake.

I was awakened in the middle of the night. Mike was gone and something was picking me up. As I was being pulled out of my tent all I could see were two, big, hairy feet.

I yelled, "What do you want?"

And the response from the dark was…