Possible Issues to Discuss...

Legal or Medical
Health or Science
Technology or Crime & Punishment
Education or Youth
Economy - $ or Environmental
Public Safety or Human Rights

Example Topics

Crime & Punishment & Prison Reform
Animal Testing (designing new products)
Taxes - higher? Lower? - How to spend them?
Armed Forces
Advertising? Should it be limited. Ie. tobacco and alcohol ads.
Identification chip implants in pets
Speeding tickets, parking tickets
Legalization / criminalization of drugs
Save the rainforest
Public transportation. - less cars, less smog - better for the environment
Fast food - Is it really good for us? (in the long run)
Family poverty - How do we help the poor?
Global Warming- protect the planet!
Nuclear Energy - Is it really safe?

Organ Transplants
Corporal punishment eg. spanking misbehaving kids
Immigration - good idea? - should it be increased / decreased? Why?
The media - responsible journalism
Fads and trends - are they harmful / harmless?
School dress codes
Curfews for kids.
The Driving age - lowered? Raised?
Insurance prices or cars
Internet issues - safety, spam, unwanted email.
Privacy concerns,
Minimum wage $/hour Is it sufficient?
Plagiarism - the internet makes it easier?
Reproductive rights - Who chooses
Foster care, adoption issues
Tobacco Use - should it be illegal?
Ideas to prevent underage drinking / smoking

Animal research / Animal Rights
Child labour - should kids be allowed to work? How much? When? Where?
Drug Abuse
War crimes
School uniforms
The safety / quality of our food / Organic foods
Security (at airports, at school, on the street)